Women in Woodworking

Woodworking is not just for the boys anymore. I am all girl, but I love to play with hammers and saws. This blog is all about women in woodworking and how we can encourage young girls who are interested in building amazing products with their hands and some power tools, too! Browse through amazing project ideas like make-up tables and jewelry boxes, ideas specifically with girls in mind. Women of all ages will also learn how to make traditional furniture, puzzle boxes, and lamps as well as all kinds of decorative items. Girls and women can be incredible at woodworking. Stick with me to find out how.

5 Ways to Control Road Dust

Industrial & Manufacturing Blog

Dirt roads provide a rustic touch that perfectly complements a rural area, and they're much lower in maintenance than paved roads are. However, they do have a dirty side, in the form of dust clouds that appear whenever a car comes by. Dust is a natural occurrence on dirt roads; it's just the smallest of the various rocks that compose the road. However, there are ways to minimize the amount of dust that a dirt road kicks up.

Just Add Water

Roads only emit dust when it's dry out, so keeping the road in front of your home damp will keep dust to a minimum. You don't need much water; you only need enough to keep the uppermost level moist. For most homeowners, simply readjusting a lawn sprinkler will do the job. However, on hot summer days the water will evaporate as soon as it's applied, making this method not as useful as others.


Water can help to inhibit dust when applied evenly, but standing water has an opposite—and detrimental—effect. Standing water forms in depressions caused by wear or improper drainage, and it brings small particles up from the bottom and deposits them on the surface of the road. As these particles dry and become dust, they are disturbed and put into the air.

You can simply fill holes as you see them, but bigger problems are harder to correct. To avoid larger issues, hire a road maintenance company to ensure proper drainage and limited dust creation.

Slow Down

Increased speed has an effect on the amount of dust that gets kicked up on a dirt road, and you can minimize dust creation by simply driving slower. This may not always be practical, but any speed reduction, even if it's only temporary, will reduce the amount of dust in the air.

Install a Windbreak

Cars are a primary reason why dirt roads are dusty. But once the dust is in the air, wind does a lot of damage. Wind carries dust for significant distances, and the loss of dust will gradually weaken the base of the road.

You can reduce the effects by building windbreaks on either side of your road. An effective windbreak will let some air through, but it will scatter airflow enough so that dust doesn't get kicked up. Stockade and picket fences work well, but so do hedges and bushes.

Use a Binding Agent

The best way to control dust on a dirt road is to treat it with something that makes the dust heavier or absorbs water. Salts such as calcium chloride absorb airborne water, keeping the road damp and minimizing dust. Binders such as oils, bentonite and emulsified asphalts attract dust particles to one another, creating larger and heavier pieces that aren't as likely to become airborne.

Applying chemicals to a dirt road can be dangerous, so you may want to hire a licensed road dust suppression contractor. By hiring a pro, you can ensure that the additives used are safe for your family and your property, and you can ensure that they're applied in a way that keeps dust production low.


29 July 2015