Woodworking is not just for the boys anymore. I am all girl, but I love to play with hammers and saws. This blog is all about women in woodworking and how we can encourage young girls who are interested in building amazing products with their hands and some power tools, too! Browse through amazing project ideas like make-up tables and jewelry boxes, ideas specifically with girls in mind. Women of all ages will also learn how to make traditional furniture, puzzle boxes, and lamps as well as all kinds of decorative items. Girls and women can be incredible at woodworking. Stick with me to find out how.
Industrial & Manufacturing Blog
Heating oil smells can be difficult to remove, especially from concrete. If you have experienced a heating oil leak or spill, there are a few things that you can do to help remove the odors from the concrete and stop them from filling your home with unpleasant smells. Here, you will learn how to do just that.
Immediate Clean Up
If the spill has just occurred, dump kitty litter or saw dust on the spill to absorb as much of the oil as possible. Let the litter or dust work to absorb the moisture for several minutes, and then sweep up the mess, bag it up and set it aside for disposal.
If moisture remains, dump a second coating of the litter or saw dust on the spill and repeat the process. Continue this process until no further oil is being absorbed from the concrete.
Clean Using Trisodium Phosphate
Fill a bucket with 10 cups of water and 10 ounces of trisodium phosphate. Mix well. Mix diatomaceous earth with the mixture until a toothpaste-like paste is formed. This can take some effort to get it mixed well, but it will work well to remove the heating oil stains and odors from the concrete.
Apply the mixture to the spill zone and cover with a plastic bag. Let the paste dry under the bag. This may take a day or two, but once it has dried, the oils that were absorbed into the concrete will be lifted and absorbed into the paste.
To clean up the paste, use an old broom to sweep it up. You may need to break up the paste using an old screwdriver or shovel. Sweep up the paste with a broom and place it in a garbage bag for disposal.
Give the area a quick sniff to see if the heating oil smell still lingers. If so, repeat the process completely until the smell is gone.
Seal the Concrete
Once the mess has been cleaned and the odors are no longer an issue, apply a coat of concrete sealant to the area. This will prevent any residue left behind from releasing odors into the air. It will also help to protect the concrete from future spills and make them easier to clean up.
This process can be time consuming, but it will work to remove the odors that the heating oil can leave behind. Talk with your local waste management company to learn of how to safely dispose of the kitty litter and paste dust. They will direct you in how to safely dispose of the waste according to your local regulations.
Share6 January 2015